10 Questions for Followers of Faith about Concept of God

Before proceeding,

  • Please do note that these are logical quires that all other religious followers must have form the beleiver of Hindu faith
  • Most Important: Any religion especially Islam does not allow to mock gods of other faiths. We are fully aware of this criticality


  1. If God had come down to the land of Hind in ancient times then why He is not coming down now as there is more violence, deviation, disobedience and problems for mankind than ever before?
  2. If God had incarnated / manifested Himself as deity and came down to land of Hind then who was controlling & administrating rest of the world in his absence? As he was visiting Earth so His throne was vacant in those days.
  3. Has God incarnated / manifested in more than one deities in same period? We see Ram & Hanuman in epic Ramayana together. Why there was need of multiple gods in same era …
  4. How it is possible for God not knowing the troubles face by humans which He himself had crated and He himself had to come to earth to understand the problems to rectify them?
  5. Why did He only came to the land of Hind and why not rest of the world?
  6. How head transplant was possible in case of lord Ganesha? It is still out of question for humans then how it was done millenniums back.
  7. Why Gods of present day Hinduism are inter-dependent on each other? Tri Murti is prime example.
  8. If scholars of the faith says that Pandits have altered the old scriptures and certain directives seems similar to Abrahamic scriptures then how it was possible that Pandits did all the intellectual dishonesty in favor of Abrahmic relgions & why they did this corruption against own faith of Sanatun Dharam?
  9. How likes of Ram became god 2000 years after the first Ramayana was written? Similarly many others have been graded as gods in later versions of scriptures.
  10. How these idols of gods can provide benefit or harm or be intermediates between humans & the one resides above (اوپر والا)? We made them from our own hands and they are totally dependent upon us for anything & everything, then why we worship them? Any idea.